Terminal7 is a progressive web terminal emulator and multiplexer over WebRTC. Inspired by tmux, Terminal7 introduces three novelties:
You can play with Terminal7 in your browser or you can install it to enjoy full screen, offline and playing better with other apps
Please open a terminal and run:
bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.webexec.sh)"
To use Terminal7 you need a host with `webexec` installed:
bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.webexec.sh)"
peerbook.io is signalling server and an address book. peerbook helps with fingerprints exchange, ephermal IP hosts and behind-the-NAT servers.
Regsiter to get your peerbook and help us test the service:
Please visit PeerBook to verify
Terminal 7 will activate on reconnect
With copy mode you can search, mark and copy text from the active pane's buffer.
Move | hjkl ←↑↓→ |
Mark | Space |
Copy & Exit | Enter |
Search Backward | ? |
Search Forward | / |
Quit | q |
Hide This | Tap This |
peerbook returned an error:
Please edit the settings and change the email or press the reset button to generate a new certificate.
To keep state while switching apps, T7 needs its backend - webexec. webexec is a real time terminal running over WebRTC written in Go.